1.Aluminium-Magnesium alloy cone body treated by ceramic, less weight high strength, high efficiency less distortion under high power output. 2.CNEX damper with special material for voice coil, voice coil could work until 220 degree. 3.Simple but elegant design, mutiple-installation which can work for different application. ·產品特色 1. 喇叭鼓紙采用鋁鎂合金,表面陶瓷化處理,質量輕,剛性強,聲音中高頻強勁有力,低頻大功率不失真。 2. 采用航天磁鐵,音圈可耐高溫達220度。運用進口復合材質 CONEX彈波,更經久耐用。 3. 外形簡約大氣,入墻、吊掛均可,靈活的安裝方式與室內墻體自然融為一體,美觀大方。 ·規格與參數
·Features This excellent subwoofer with black Piano lacquer that bake finishes, and the box with the high-density material MDF, can achieve the perfect matching in style and sound quality. Double 12 delicate LF units, full powerful Bass effect, low frequency’s quantity feeling and messiness feeling are all to the point. ·產品特色 此款出眾的超低音喇叭具有黑色鋼琴烤漆飾面,箱體采用MDF高密度材料制作,無論是風格還是音質都能達到完美的統一。單元的每個角度都做工精細,雙12寸低音單元,低音效果飽滿有力,低頻的下潛,量感,靈敏度,厚重感都恰到好處。 ·規格與參數