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GLP X4令歌手JUSTIN MOORE燈光團隊制作如虎添翼
更新時間:2015-12-21 9:51:12 編輯:溫情 文章來源:音響網 調整文字大小:【
[導讀] GLP X4令歌手JUSTIN MOORE燈光團隊制作如虎添翼

             Justin Moore是美國鄉村歌手及音樂創作人
  快速燃起的鄉村音樂之星Justin Moore最近開啟了美國巡演之旅,從州到鄉村,最高人數的一場可達到2萬人。由于巡演的范圍廣以及路程長,所以制作團隊對燈具的要求除了效果完美外,外形更是要小巧,便于運輸。所以X4系列成了他們的完美選擇。他們購置了56臺GLP燈具,像這次巡演運用了32臺,一車便可以輕松裝載。

  燈光師Aaron Luke說道“X4在表演中起關鍵性作用,變焦范圍和宏都是不可估量,對他們的輸出效果簡直無可挑剔,使舞臺更具特色。”


 Fast rising country star Justin Moore set a real challenge on his recent US tour, with venues ranging from state/county fairs up to 20,000-seat arena shows.
Working with production manager, Art Switzer, Sooner sensed the importance of being able to move gear on and off stage quickly as part of a scalable set, and the compact nature of the impression X4 fit that parameter perfectly.

“Justin has a pretty rustic vibe mixed with rock and roll and a whole lot of old school country. I attempted to represent this with distressed barn board backing some custom set carts and some banners with distressed metal texture and his rooster logo. I needed a light that was small enough to jam a ton of them into the carts and the X4 was perfect.”The 32 GLP fixtures, configured in two rows within the carts, are part of an inventory of 56 GLP fixtures, under the control of lighting director, Aaron Luke.
The X4 represents a huge part of the show. “I’m pretty sure we use every feature of the light. The zoom range and the macros are invaluable and I’m really impressed with their output. Sooner created some really cool looks that just wouldn’t be the same without the macros of the light.”

And the designer herself says, “The size and the pixel patterns are the outstanding features. We created a wall of light with the X4 and I just couldn’t have done that with a traditional wash light.”


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