2013年10月10日,上海國際專業燈光音響展在上海新國際展覽中心隆重召開,今年迎來逾1680家來自29個國家及地區的參展商。Avsl這次帶來了chord 樂器、citronic 錄音DJ專業電子器材、QTX 專業燈光效果電子器材、adastra 公共廣播電子器材四大品類產品參展。
Avsl 展位
Avsl chord 樂器
據Avsl品牌經理Neil McDougall介紹,中國目前已經成為全球最大的音響市場,吸引越來越多的財富往中國集聚,Avsl非常看好中國市場,早幾年前就在中國部署了代工廠,而且合作的非常愉快,今年正式進入中國市場,并且通過上海的外貿特性輻射到全亞洲,借助代理商的本地市場資源推動品牌的擴散。Avsl每年都會在全球地區參展,相比美國的NAMM展和德國的法蘭克福展,上海展的效果要好很多,這次吸引了不少來自印度、印尼、馬來西亞、以及南美洲的客人,下一步將會和意向客戶進一步聯系并盡可能建立合作關系。
Neil McDougall接受音響網采訪
Neil McDougall介紹新品QTX的移動QXPA
Neil McDougall:AVSL 在中國辦事處出口AVSL旗下7大品牌到英國,新西蘭和南非。這次展覽我們給觀眾介紹了其中4個燈光音響品牌:chord 樂器、citronic 錄音DJ專業電子器材、QTX 專業燈光效果電子器材、adastra 公共廣播電子器材;
Neil McDougall:我們這次展覽主要目的是想尋找東南亞合作伙伴推廣旗下品牌。這次展覽我們得到了很多正面的觀眾反映,特別是chord品牌樂器。是一次非常成功的展覽。
Neil McDougall:我們旗下每個品牌都有獨立的形象包裝,網站和目錄。我們公司還另外有QC部門去確認所有產品符合CE,RoHS和質量的保證。能為代理大大減少采購所需要的時間和程序。
Neil McDougall介紹新產品:
About avsl
Who are the AVSL group?
AVSL Group was founded in 1998 and has rapidly grown to become a driving force in the consumer electronics market. The AVSL team comprises enthusiastic and dedicated professionals with a variety of experience in all sectors of the business. Each member of the team is dedicated to maintaining and surpassing the high level of service that customers have come to expect.
Our individual brand names help us focus and develop our products range within it's own area of the market, whilst allowing the AVSL group to expand into other emerging markets in the future.
What do we do?
At AVSL, we pride ourselves on our unique level of service - offering the option of same day dispatch on the majority of orders, made possible due to high stock availability and a dedicated warehouse team who ensure that all orders are completed the same day they are received - a service level that is essential in today's business climate.
Our product range covers over 4000 in-demand lines with an excellent sell through rate. We continually research and source new products, ensuring a selection of fresh and exciting lines are available each month.
What can we do for you?
Our friendly sales and accounts teams are on hand from 7:30am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday to take your calls, process your orders and answer any questions you may have about your account.
Our dedicated technical support team monitor and control the quality of both existing and new products, and are available to answer technical queries, ensuring that any issues are solved quickly and painlessly.
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